Terms & Conditions
These Terms and Conditions apply to Private Training Sessions, Behavioural Consultations, Training Classes and any other sessions (hereafter referred to as ‘Appointment’) booked with K9 Insight.
Please note that payment for services implies full agreement with these Terms and Conditions.
Payments, Refunds, Cancellations
Payment by bank transfer is required within 48 hours of booking of any Appointment, or 24 hours prior to the Appointment when booked within 2 days of the Appointment, unless otherwise agreed by K9 Insight. Appointments or bookings of any kind are not confirmed without payment and may be released.
Appointments can be rearranged or refunded in full with at least two weeks’ notice.
Any cancellation made between two weeks’ and one week’s notice of the booked Appointment will be eligible for a 25% refund but may be rearranged/transferred or refunded at the sole discretion of K9 Insight
With less than one week’s notice, no refund will be given although may be rearranged/transferred or refunded at the sole discretion of K9 Insight
In the event that we have to cancel an Appointment with you due to unforeseen circumstances, such as adverse weather/ illness/ emergency, we will make every effort to reschedule your Appointment to another mutually convenient time. If this is not possible, we will refund you for the cost of the Appointment and any follow-up Appointments which are also cancelled as a result of this.
Gift Vouchers
1. Gift vouchers are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase and cannot be redeemed after the expiry date.
2. Gift Vouchers are available in denominations of £10 & £5 with a £10 minimum.
3. Gift Vouchers can only be used in a single transaction, and cannot be exchanged for cash. No change or refund will be given.
4. Gift Vouchers may be used for goods or services of a higher value, on payment of the difference.
5. Gift Vouchers will not be replaced when lost, damaged or stolen.
6. Gift Vouchers will be subject to verification at the time of presentation.
7. Gift Vouchers are only valid for services provided by K9 Insight.
8. In the event of any dispute, the decision of K9 Insight is final.
9. K9 Insight reserves the right to amend these terms & conditions without prior notice.
10. Services booked using vouchers are subject to the same Terms and Conditions as above (see Payments, Refunds, Cancellations section).
Children are welcome to be present at Appointments, although due to the nature of the discussions that will be taking place and the venues that may be attended, this may not always be appropriate. It is the responsibility of the parents/carers to determine whether or not it would be helpful or appropriate for any children/other family members to be present at any point. It is important that at least one adult is able to give their full attention to the Appointment throughout. We accept no responsibility for children and it is the responsibility of the supervising adult to ensure that children are safe and their wellbeing is protected at all times whether before, during or after the Appointment.
Dog Suitability
Some dogs will not be suited to the class environment and would be better off being trained on their own in a one-on-one session. This could be that they are reactive to other dogs, over-aroused, fearful, have anxiety, etc. If a dog is deemed by the trainer to be unsuitable in a class then the owner will be asked to remove the dog for that session; and potentially the rest of the course. This is for the dog’s safety and for others attending the class. Please discuss any concerns or questions you have about your dog attending a group class before booking, refunds will not be given.
Home Visits
We ask that, unless previously agreed with us, all dogs are kept away from the front door and are contained in another room when we first arrive. Depending on the issue, you may be asked to take additional steps to ensure safety (and also allow controlled observation of your dog’s behaviour) during a Behaviour Consultation. For example, if your dog is reactive to/ fearful of people entering the home, you may be asked to keep them contained in another room until a specific point during the Appointment. In any case, if you have any concerns about your dog’s behaviour towards visitors, yourself or anyone else present at the Appointment (including other dogs) or are concerned that they may cause injury, it is entirely your responsibility to take all necessary steps (eg. muzzling the dog and/or keeping them on the lead) to prevent this from happening. It is essential that you take sensible safety precautions and then discuss how and when the dog should be introduced during the Appointment rather than take risks. You will be advised during the Appointment how and when the dog(s) may be safely introduced. If your dog has ever bitten a person or other animal, you must report this to us before the day of the scheduled Appointment so that we can advise you accordingly.
If we are visiting your home, please make a parking place available if possible. If not, and there is on-street parking which requires a visitor permit, please have a visitor permit ready for our use when we arrive. If parking at your home (or other venue at which we have arranged to meet) requires payment, please could you kindly make an arrangement for this.
Any instances of accident or injury occurring during the Appointment must be reported to us at the time they occur. Any mess left by dogs must be cleaned up straight away and disposed of in the proper way; the trainer will help sanitise if needed. All dogs must be kept on leads at all times and be a safe distance away from other dogs unless specifically instructed by the trainer.
Privacy and Marketing
Photographs of your dog may, with your permission, be taken. Such photos may be used by K9 Insight for record keeping and/ or marketing purposes. If you do not wish for photographs of you and/or your dog to be taken, used or shared, please just let us know. Any written feedback (eg. by email or on feedback forms) may be used for marketing purposes (for example, posted on the website). Only the first name of the person will be used as identification. If you are not happy for us to use your feedback in this way, please just let us know. Permission must be granted by us before any photography or videography of training/ behaviour sessions with K9 Insight takes place.
By consulting K9 Insight with regard to your dog’s behaviour, you agree to fully engage with the process to the best of your ability and understand that any changes will involve commitment and consistency. Employing the services of K9 Insight is a gesture of your commitment to, and understanding of, the process which you are undertaking.
Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability
I understand that working with K9 Insight, modifying behaviour poses a risk of injury. I agree to ensure that necessary steps are taken at all times to prevent injury to myself, my dog(s) and others, including the use of a muzzle and avoidance of situations that might trigger aggressive behaviour. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless K9 Insight 'Alexander McRobb' or any 'parties or agents' working on behalf of K9 Insight, against any and all losses, liabilities, judgments, awards and costs (including legal fees and expenses) arising out of, or related to, any claim of injury to persons or property of any kind, whether before, during or after the consultation and when implementing suggested techniques with my dog(s). I understand and accept that my dog (and its behaviour) remains entirely my responsibility at all times, whether or not in the presence of the trainer/ behaviourist. We are happy to take referrals from Veterinary Professionals or bookings for Behaviour Consultations directly from clients. In either case, if appropriate we may ask your vet for your dog’s medical records. This should not cost you anything (vets and behaviourists work together as a matter of professional courtesy). In some cases, your vet may ask to see the dog to rule out potential medical causes before the behaviour consultation takes place or prior to embarking on a behaviour modification programme. If, during or after the consultation, it is felt by us that a (further) veterinary check is advisable, it will be your responsibility to ensure that this is carried out before embarking on any behaviour modification strategies suggested at the consultation, as advised. We also reserve the right to communicate with your Veterinary Surgeon about your dog(s) at any time if we deem this to be necessary or helpful. If your dog has any known allergies or intolerances to certain foods or has any other special/ medical needs, it is your responsibility to bring this to our attention prior to the start of the session.
Health & Vaccination
All dogs attending any training session/class with K9 Insight should be suitably protected from the potential diseases and treated for external and internal parasites. Please consult your vet with regards to such issues. Where Courses and Appointments are held there may have been other dogs using that area and so there is never a guarantee of no risk to disease. Also, equipment like toys may have been in contact with other dogs. It is the owner/handler’s responsibility to ensure that their dog is appropriately protected against risk of disease. If an owner chooses not to fully vaccinate their dog this is entirely their choice and accept all risks.
No dogs are to be brought to Appointments if they have been in recent contact with another dog infected by a contagious disease or if they appear unwell. We also ask any bitches in season to not be brought to Courses or Classes. If your dog is unwell and cannot attend a Course or Class the owner is more than welcome to participate without their dog. By agreeing to these terms and conditions you are accepting full responsibility for the protection of your dog from the risk of disease.
Data Protection
K9 Insight will collect information from you for registration and training purposes and be in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. None of this information is ever passed on to a third party. By booking onto a class or training sessions you will be added to our mailing list and can unsubscribe at any time by emailing hello@k9insight.co.uk with the subject title “UNSUBSCRIBE”. We will also take photos during classes/sessions and use feedback for marketing purposes (website, Facebook, etc), only first names will be used; please let K9 Insight know if you do not consent to photos or feedback used in this way.